LEVSEN Top Mounted Magnetic Float Operated Level Transmitter Series MFLT is reliable for continuous level monitoring / measurement of any liquid in a storage tank
It consists a magnetic float and a guide stem. A chain of reed switches and resistors are placed inside the guide stem. As per liquid level float moves up or down on the stem, magnet inside the float operates the reed switches inside the stem thereby causing a change in resistance value. Change in the resistance is measured by the electronics unit located in the enclosure and conditioned as a current output of 4 to 20 mA.
Measuring Range : Min. 200 mm to Max. 3000 MM
Output: 4-20 mA DC, 2 Wire
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC
Enclosure: Die Cast Aluminium, weather proof/flame proof
MOC of wetted part (Float & Stem): SS304/SS316/PP
Process Connection: 2”/3” Flanged/Threaded
Moulting: Vertically ( Top of the tank)
Process Temperature: 100°C Max.
Process Pressure: 10 Kg/Cm²
Continuous level monitoring in the storage tank of liquids like water, diesel , oil, fuel, acids, chemical, solvent, milk, juice etc