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Displacer Level Switch Series DLS 10

LEVSEN Top Mounted Displacer Operated Level Switch DLS 10 is very useful and reliable for controlling the liquid level in under ground and overhead tanks


Operation is based on a buoyancy principle where by a spring is loaded with weighted displacers which are heavier than the liquid under control. These displacers are suspended by spring with a suspension rope. Immersion of the displacer in the liquid results in a buoyancy force change, which changes the effective weight of displacers this causes the spring to retract slightly. As a result of retraction of spring, the attraction sleeve attached to spring move upwards into magnetic field of external magnet to trigger the switching action and vice-versa.


Wetted part 


SS304, SS316, PP, PVC, PTFE Coating

Process Connection  


Flanged / Screwed



Weather proof / Flame proof



Micro Switch rating 5 Amps. , 230VAC



NO/NC (Potential Free)



150ºC max.



20 kg/cm² max.


Large Sumps & Fuel Tanks, Boiler Feed Water, Waste Water & Sewage, Interface Liquids, Petrochemical, Generator Sealing Liquid etc.

  • High / Low Level Alarm , Automatic Pump Control, Safety Inter Locks Circuits ,Solenoid Valve Control.
  • Prevention of Tank overflows / Tank empty, Pump safeguard against dry running
  • Easy field set point adjustability over entire measuring range by adjusting its displacer position along the suspension rope
  • Suitable for large tank depth: Up to 20 meters suspension rope with easy transportation
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